Farmers Market or CSA?

Sorry for my absence, but I did promise you not to make this blog about my wedding.  Unfortunately, planning for the big day (and weekend), work and other personal matters have taken up far more time than I realized.  But don’t worry, I’m not giving this up entirely- I just took a little pause from…

Mom’s Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I’ve often touted the benefits of cooking, especially as a source of comfort.  In times of sorrow, the smell of baked goods can heal the heart just a little.  The aroma can evoke memories of meals lovingly prepared and holidays past.  For at least a moment, you can fondly recall happier times and smile thinking…

Spring Cocktail: Spicy Blood Orange Smash

There’s something tantalizing and forbidden about the blood red juice hidden beneath the bright orange rind.  Slightly bitter than regular oranges and a glorious color, blood orange juice is a perfect mixer, especially for Cinco de Mayo.  (Even if it’s a holiday created by Corona and Tostitos, any excuse for a party works for me.) …