Cooking in the Time of Coronavirus

It’s been so long since I’ve posted that I almost forgot how.  The interface is different, but at this point – we are too.  Nevermind, that I now have a 3 yr old who ate EVERYTHING (oysters, octopus, spinach, sand) as an infant and now loves salmon and lamb chops, and occasionally asparagus, but won’t…

A Celebration of Pig(skin)

As we’re in the midst of a deep freeze across most of this country, it’s nice to think that spring temperatures may be just around the corner.  In Nashville, we’ve had a little snow, but forecasts are for the 60s by the weekend!  Perfect grilling weather for the big game! While Groundhog Day is Saturday,…

Getting Back To My Roots

They say you always go home.  Well I didn’t, at least not exactly.  As much as I would have liked to move back to South Jersey (well to the beach), that was not a realistic option work-wise.  Instead, I amazingly managed to find gainful and fulfilling employment in a far different Southern town.  One that…

Derby De Mayo!

Hello Readers!  It’s been over a year (sigh) since I’ve had anything to write about and actually found the time to post.  It seems that having a kid (who will be 18 months on Friday!), starting a new job, moving and commuting into NYC, make life a bit more complicated.   And I did NOT want…

Giving Thanks

So much for trying to do two posts a month.  Didn’t come close.  But I have a good excuse.  My little boy arrived early on November 3!  We are very blessed this year and have so much to be thankful for this holiday. Of course, I won’t be having much time to fill you in…